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Herefordshire EarthWatch 2008

To mark world environment day 2008, the EarthWatch event will take place in Hereford, from Saturday 7th June until Monday 9th June inclusive.

The aims of the event are to raise local awareness and educate people about climate change and other environmental issues, to empower local people and communities to take action to minimise their impact on the environment as well as to promote sustainability by building new and strengthening existing community networks.

The event will comprise an exhibition, fun activities for adults and children, stands, talks and films presented over three days at the Kindle Centre in the South Wye area of Hereford.  Schools will be invited to attend by appointment on Monday 9th June.

People attending will be able to learn more about the evidence for, the science behind and the potential effects of climate change as well as receiving practical tips on how to reduce their individual carbon and environmental footprints.

For more details please contact Christianne Wakeham on 01547 560021 or 07740 680568, email